# 4.0.3 - Update peerDependencies in package.json # 4.0.2 - add IE support # 4.0.1 - export types ImgProps/useImageProps # 4.0.0 - BREAKING: all exports are now named exports # 3.0.3 - build hooks for umd # 3.0.2 - dont include typescript libs in build modules - include esm modules # 3.0.1 - include missing files # 3.0.0 - move to typescript - add useImage hook - allow for an image loader to be injected - BREAKING: requires react 16.8 or higher # 2.4.0 - fix: TS Interface Error for 'src' attribute. Related to issue: #260 # 2.3.0 - fix: typescript declarations # 2.2.2 - add: typescript declarations # 2.2.1 - fix: Removes warnings of unsafe lifecycle methods from console due to react 16.9 update. # 2.2.0 - fix:Use correct case for crossOrigin and ensure prop is used both for the initial image fetch and in the final `` element # 2.1.3 - fix: nullify callbacks before removing - #237 # 2.1.2 - fix: don't call handlers multiple times, fixes: #236 # 2.1.1 - fix: unset incorrect prop in https://github.com/mbrevda/react-image/pull/223 # 2.1.0 - Add: abort image download on unmount https://github.com/mbrevda/react-image/pull/223 # 2.0.0 - build: move to rollup - Fix: Don't return a bool from constructor https://github.com/mbrevda/react-image/pull/220 # 1.5.1 - update babel loader to v7 # 1.5.0 - Add: `loaderContainer`/`unloaderContainer` (#208, #211). Thanks @eedrah! - Test: test built libs # 1.4.1 - Fix: strip dev-specific code when compiling # 1.4.0 - Add: `container` props - Fix: issue deleting `src` prop in Safari (#87) - Add: `babel-runtime` as peer dep for https://pnpm.js.org/ (#199, #200). Thanks @vjpr! - Add: (crude) demo including transitions # 1.3.1 - bug: Don't pass decode prop to underlying `` # 1.3.0 - Use img.decode() by default where available # 1.2.0 - Add support for React 16 # 1.0.1 - move to new prop-types package - add 100% test coverage # 1.0.0 - Renamed to react-image # 0.6.3 - Housekeeping: update dependencies - Add recipes # 0.6.2 - Fix Readme formatting # 0.6.1 - Start iteration at current location # 0.6.0 - Add a cache so that we don't attempt the same image twice (per page load) # 0.5.0 - Fix issue where index would overshoot available sources - Don't try setting state if `this.i` was already destroyed, which probably means that we have been unmounted # 0.4.2 - Remove Browsierfy config # 0.4.1 - Revert 0.4.0 # 0.3.0 - Don't overshoot sourceList when state.currentIndex - Ensure state has been set before trying to load images when new props are delivered # 0.2.0 - Restart the loading process when src prop changes # 0.1.0 - Don't use until we know the image can be rendered. This will prevent the "jumping" when loading an image and the preloader is displayed at the same time as the image # 0.0.11 - Don't require `src` to be set # 0.0.10 - Made react a peer depends # 0.0.8 - Return `null` instead of false from React component. Thanks @tikotzky!