## 15.1.1 * Moved the `nonce` property from `HTMLScriptElement` and `HTMLStyleElement` to `HTMLElement`. Note that it is still just a simple reflection of the attribute, and has not been updated for the rest of the changes in [whatwg/html#2373](https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2373). * Fixed the `style` and `on` properties to properly track their related attributes for SVG elements. (kbruneel) * Fixed `XMLHttpRequest` merging preflight and response headers. (thiagohirata) * Fixed `XMLHttpRequest` reserializing `content-type` request headers unnecessarily. See [whatwg/mimesniff#84](https://github.com/whatwg/mimesniff/issues/84) for more details. (thiagohirata) * Fixed `element.tagName` to be the ASCII uppercase of the element's qualified name, instead of the Unicode uppercase. ## 15.1.0 * Added the `Headers` class from the Fetch standard. * Added the `element.translate` getter and setter. * Fixed synchronous `XMLHttpRequest` on the newly-released Node.js v12. * Fixed `form.elements` to exclude `` elements. * Fixed event path iteration in shadow DOM cases, following spec fixes at [whatwg/dom#686](https://github.com/whatwg/dom/pull/686) and [whatwg/dom#750](https://github.com/whatwg/dom/pull/750). * Fixed `pattern=""` form control validation to apply the given regular expression to the whole string. (kontomondo) ## 15.0.0 Several potentially-breaking changes, each of them fairly unlikely to actually break anything: * `JSDOM.fromFile()` now treats `.xht` files as `application/xhtml+xml`, the same as it does for `.xhtml` and `.xml`. Previously, it would treat them as `text/html`. * If the `JSDOM` constructor's `contentType` option has a `charset` parameter, and the first argument to the constructor is a binary data type (e.g. `Buffer` or `ArrayBuffer`), then the `charset` will override any sniffed encoding in the same way as a `Content-Type` header would in browser scenarios. Previously, the `charset` parameter was ignored. * When using the `Blob` or `File` constructor with the `endings: "native"` option, jsdom will now convert line endings to `\n` on all operating systems, for consistency. Previously, on Windows, it would convert line endings to `\r\n`. ## 14.1.0 * Added activation behavior for `` and `` elements whose `href=""` points to a `javascript:` URL or fragment. * Added the `` element's `options` property. * Added the `` element's `list` property. * Added `PageTransitionEvent`, and the firing of `pageshow` events during loading. * Exposed the `External` class as a property of `window`. * Fixed HTML fragment parsing (via `innerHTML` and `outerHTML`) to be spec-compliant. (pmdartus) * Fixed HTML serialization (e.g. via `innerHTML`) breaking after setting certain properties to non-string values. * Fixed how disabling an element would cause its activation behavior to forever be null, even if it were re-enabled. * Fixed all access to attributes to ignore attributes with namespaces, per the spec. * Fixed `